Welcome to the Fort William Free Church website.


Rev. James Blackwell

Our Church Services:

11:00 am service and every first Sunday of the month there will also be an evening service at 5.30pm. All are most welcome. 

We read from the New International Version Bible and use The Scottish Psalter and Sing Psalms to sing praises to our Lord.


7.30 pm Fellowship/Prayer Meeting in main church.

Upcoming Service 

Sunday 20th July 2024 with Rev. Dr. John Ross

Call to Worship
Psalm 103:1-5 (Scottish Psalter to the tune London New)
Children’s Talk
Psalm 34:1-9 (Sing Psalms to tune St. Stephen)
Scripture reading ~ Romans 15:1-13
Psalm 98:1-4 (Sing Psalms to tune Richmond)
Sermon ~ Matthew 17:1-21; Jesus Himself Alone
Psalm 72:16-19 (Scottish Psalter to tune Effingham)

*Psalm tunes may be subject to change on the day. 

What’s On in Fort William Free Church

Coffee & Chat every Wednesday morning in the church cafe 9.30am – 12.00pm.
All welcome.
For up to date information and any changes or cancellations to weekly events, please visit our Facebook Page

Registered Scottish Charity No. SCO38290