Our denomination:
Our congregation belongs to the Free Church of Scotland and our ministry is evangelical, reformed and Bible based. The Free Church of Scotland currently has over 140 congregations in Scotland, as well as 2 in London and 5 in North America, and sister churches founded by mission work in India, Peru and South Africa. The Church also has a full time college in the heart of Edinburgh for the training of ministers and other Christian workers and sustains an extensive Missionary programme relative to the size of the church.
The Free Church of Scotland is a mainstream church dating from 1843 but with its roots in the Reformation. It owes its distinctive title to its historical struggle to remain free from state interference in its internal affairs. It has close and active relations with many other reformed churches of Jesus Christ throughout the world and stands firmly in the tradition which accepts the Bible in its entirety as the Word of God and, therefore, derives its forms of teaching, worship, ministry and government from it.
The Free Church of Scotland is committed to the following core truths:
The only true God exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
God has created the universe and sovereignly controls it.
Humanity fell into a state of sin through disobeying God and rebelling against him with the result that we are alienated from God and liable to eternal punishment
God provided his son, Jesus Christ (who is both fully human and fully Divine) as a Saviour
Jesus Christ provides salvation through his life, death and resurrection, thus making a new reconciled relationship between God and humanity
We need a personal faith in Christ in order to be brought into this new relationship with God and to be saved from sin and its consequences
The Holy Spirit is the author and sustainer of the spiritual life necessary for such a relationship with God in Christ
The return of Christ, the resurrection of the body, and the final judgement are coming events when the destiny of all shall be sealed either in heaven or in hell
All these Bible truths are affirmed in the ancient creeds of the catholic Christian Church as well as the Westminster Confession of 1643, to which the Free Church is committed. The Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms were produced by the Westminster Assembly appointed by the Long Parliament in 1643.
Designed to foster doctrinal unity between the Churches in England, Scotland and Ireland, the Confession and Catechisms, and the other documents of the Westminster Assembly, including the Directory of Public Worship, were eventually adopted with revisions in England, but later revoked at the Restoration of the Monarchy in 1660.
All of the documents were embraced by the Church of Scotland. Further, they formed the cornerstone of the worldwide family of Presbyterian Churches as they established themselves throughout Europe and America.
How does the Free Church worship?
The worship of the church follows the New Testament model and is characterised by simplicity. Because of the fundamental importance of God’s Word, primary place is given in worship to the reading and preaching of it. The congregation responds to these first by hearing and then by offering itself to God in the other acts of worship which are prayer, the singing of inspired songs and the giving of offerings. The worship is concluded with the benediction. The Lord’s Supper is held on a regular basis, although not weekly, and baptism is also administered as needed.
Charity Status
Registered Scottish Charity No. SCO38290.